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The Dog House will be selling Equafleece at Thoresby Spring Festival Horse Trials in Nottinghamshire on March 28th–30th.

Calf Coat

Premature Calf Coat
Premature Calf Coat

Sizing: Measure down the back, from the base of the neck to the base of the tail.
(varies according to options selected above)

Warm, Washable and 100% Rainproof

The Calf Coat is designed to ensure that it always remains perfectly positioned, whilst giving as much protection as possible from rain and cold. Simply slip the collar over the head, attach one leg strap, then attach the second looping it through the first (as with a horse rug).

How the Calf Coat fits
How the Calf Coat fits
How the Calf Coat fits

Please note the price includes VAT.

Why Use Calf Coats?

  • Cold and wet weather weakens a calf’s immune system. Scours are especially prevalent during the winter months causing electrolyte loss and dehydration. Unwell calves recover much quicker and healthy calves will handle colder temperatures better when rugged with a Calf Coat.
  • In a companion beef study, calves rugged during their first 118 days averaged nearly 38 pounds more than the unrugged control group.
  • The National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project, sponsored by NAHMS, reported retrospective data on 1,811 dairy farms and prospective surveillance data on 921 US dairy farms (anonymous, 1994) morbidity during the first 3 weeks of life was attributed to pneumonia (25%),
  • Pneumonia has a significant impact on growth and productivity of calves, sufferers from chronic pneumonia seldom recover completely.
  • Antibiotic therapy is often necessary and expensive but often yields disappointing results. Heat lamps are costly to run and only effective if the beast stays under it.

We’d have lost a fair few calves without the Equafleece Calf Coats this last winter.
Mark Moore, Dairy Manager – Whiteoaks Pedigree Jerseys, Oaklands Farm, Derbyshire – April 2013

How it Works

Polartec ratingThe Equafleece Calf Coat is made of Polartec® Classic 200 with DWR (Durable Water Repellency). Its key properties are:

  • Thermally warm – helping animals maintain optimum warmth but wicking away excess heat.
  • 100% Rainproof – repelling torrential rain as well as prolonged drizzle.
  • Wicking/Drying – Polartec® is probably the most efficient wicking fabric on the market, being able to dry a totally wet race horse in less than 15 minutes or a spaniel in less than 30 minutes – fantastic for drying newborn calves.
  • Washable – Equafleece garments wash easily at 40° in normal detergent and disinfectant, requiring no or minimal drying and never need re-proofing.

The 100% polyester velour construction creates air pockets that trap air and retain body heat. Unlike less expensive fleece fabrics, Polartec® fabrics maintain their insulating ability and non-pilling appearance after repeated laundering.

How it Was Developed

In 2012 the head nutritionalist of GLW Feeds Ltd, (based at Oaklands Farm, Derbyshire, and specialising in the care of Whiteoaks Pedigree Jersey Herd) pointed out the need for a good fitting, functional garment for newborn calves. Equafleece’s mantra is always to produce garments that work, so after considerable testing and the odd design tweak during the harsh winter of 2012/13 Dairy Manager, Mark Moore gave the calf coats his seal of approval.

Ongoing Study

A DevonX born in July 2013 developed chronic pneumonia, recurring in December 2013, thereafter a coat was fitted. The calf grew well (growing out of two coats). When the weather improved the coat was removed, but a drop in temperature and torrential rain in May resulted in a further recurrence. Since then, if the temperature is due to drop below 10°C with rain, a coat is fitted.