🇪🇺 EU customers – please go to our EU website for € pricing and free delivery.
The Dog House will be selling Equafleece at Thoresby Spring Festival Horse Trials in Nottinghamshire on March 28th–30th.

Sign In

To sign into your Equafleece account enter your registered email address and password, then click the Sign In button.

If you don’t have a password or can’t remember it, click the Forgotten Password button.

If you haven’t ordered from us before, click the Register button to create a sign-in account.

I’ve forgotten my password. What now?

Click the Forgotten Password button above, enter your email address and click the Send Reminder button. Within a couple of minutes you’ll receive an email containing the reminder phrase you set at the same time as the password.

The password reminder was no help. What now?

Click the Forgotten Password button above, enter your email address and click the Reset Password button. Within a couple of minutes you’ll receive an email containing a new, randomly generated password.

I haven’t received my password email. Why not?

Sometimes our emails get wrongly classified as spam, so check your spam/junk folder to see if it’s in there.

None of the above has helped and I can’t sign in. What next?

Let us know via our Contact Us page or give us a call and we’ll set a new password for you.